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Editorial Board

The role of the Editorial Board is to produce the best journal possible for readers of the journal. BMJ encourages editorial freedom and agrees to fully support editorial decisions and potentially controversial expressions of opinion by the Editors provided they are evidence based. In turn, our Editors agree to abide by BMJ’s policies and procedures. Our Editors also agree to seek and engage a broad and diverse array of authors, reviewers, editorial board members and readers. All Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin Editorial Board members agree and adhere to the BMJ Editor Roles and Responsibilities guidelines; this includes our Editorial Board policies on confidentiality, peer review and timeliness and competing interests. Members of the DTB Editorial Team must also be free from conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry or related healthcare products industry. We ask our editors to fill the disclosure of interest form and this information is updated annually and made publicly available.


David Phizackerley photo
David Phizackerley BSc, MRPharmS, DipClinPharm, DipPresSci, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, London, UK Competing interests >>
David Phizackerley has a background in evidence-based prescribing and therapeutics. He trained as a pharmacist and has worked in primary and secondary care. For many years he provided advice and support to GP practices on cost-effective, rational prescribing. Prior to become Editor-in-Chief of DTB in 2025, David had served as Deputy Editor for 16 years.

Clinical Editor

Syba Sunny MBBS, MRes, FRCPath, PGCert MedEd BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, London, UK Competing interests >>
Syba Sunny is a former UK NHS Consultant in Medical Microbiology, with experience in clinical and laboratory research. She is skilled in medical education and her previous work in this area includes training medical students on good prescribing practices as well as acting as the designated medical practitioner for a non-medical prescriber.

Associate Editors

Jo Congleton MA, MD, MRCP Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Sussex, UK Competing interests >>
Jo Congleton trained in Respiratory Medicine and is presently a consultant in Integrated Respiratory Care in Brighton and Hove. She is also clinical lead for the Kent, Surrey, Sussex Academic Health and Science Network (AHSN) Respiratory Programme. Her interests are in chronic respiratory conditions (particularly COPD) and reducing both variation, and inequalities, in care.
Joanna Girling photo
Joanna Girling MBBS, MA, MRCP, FRCOG Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust London, UK Competing interests >>
Joanna Girling is a Consultant in Obstetric Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College School of Medicine and is Specialty Lead for Reproductive Health and Childbirth and Lead for Division 3 in the NIHR Clinical Research Network for northwest London. Her interests are in complex medical obstetrics, preterm birth prevention and Undergraduate and Postgraduate training.
Teck Khong photo
Teck Khong MB ChB St. George’s University of London London, UK Competing interests >>
Teck Khong works clinically as a Hypertension Specialist at the Accredited Centre of Excellence for Hypertension at St George’s Hospital and is the Clinical Director for the Kingston-St George’s Master of Pharmacy degree program. He has experience of assessing and evaluating new therapies and their role in clinical practice and is responsible for local guidelines for the management of medical emergencies.
Barbara Mintzes
Barbara Mintzes BSc, PhD The University of Sydney Charles Perkins Centre and School of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine and Health Camperdown, Australia Competing Interests >>
Barbara Mintzes is an Associate Professor at the School of Pharmacy and Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney, where she has worked since 2015.  Her training is in epidemiology and the main focus of her work is on pharmaceutical policy, including the effects of direct-to-consumer advertising and physician-directed promotion on medicine use.
Adrian Pokorny BMed, MPH, PhD, FRACP. New South Wales Health, Australia and Northern Territory Health, Australia Sydney, Australia Competing Interests >>

Adrian Pokorny is a medical oncologist based in Sydney who works clinically in both New South Wales and the Northern Territory of Australia. His doctoral research explored interactions between cancer physicians and the pharmaceutical industry. He is also a member of the Economics Sub-Committee of the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee and has an interest in the ethics of drug policy.

Julian Treadwell editorial board photo
Julian Treadwell MBBS, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Oxford, UK Competing interests >>
Julian Treadwell is an NHS General Practitioner and NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer at the Centre for Academic Primary Care, University of Bristol. His academic interests include polypharmacy, multiple long-term conditions, overdiagnosis, shared decision-making and evidence-based practice. He also has a role with NICE as co-facilitator of their GP Reference Panel.
Mike Wilcock editorial board photo
Mike Wilcock MRPharmS Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Cornwall, UK Competing interests >>
Mike Wilcock is currently a Pharmacist at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, working as the head of the Prescribing Support Unit. He has a special interest in medicines management and understanding, identifying and overcoming the barriers to help change practice.

Publishing Team

Publisher: Robyn Taylor Head of Portfolio: Richard Sands